I had a message through Twitter some times ago, it said: Phoenix is coming to Jakarta!
I'm actually not real fond for Phoenix, but image of Nikki just came across my head right after reading the message. Yes, my dear angel sister used to be a big fan of this French band.
So the first I said afterwards was: 'let's buy Phoenix ticket and watch it in honor of our late sister' to Putra.
To my surprise, Nikki's friends got the same idea as mine. Then the next thing I remember, we had the ticket in our hand and waiting for the date to come.

So on the first of August, a few days after 1 year of Nikki's end, we were celebrating Nikki's life with Phoenix. And I must tell you, it was one superb show!
The only glitch was, and I should say it's a huge one, me and Putra knows none of the songs on the playlist!! Hahahaha. Our lesson on Phoenix stopped at the third album and we missed the latest album. We only knew one song and it's not even theirs. Hahahaha. Oh well...at least the all in all performance was great (even for a band as big as Jamiroquai couldn't even compete!).
Despite I can sense her presence somehow, Nikki is still around, she still had us tricked by watching a show with unknown songs hahaha :P
Aku dulu sempet kerja bareng sama Nikki di Rec. Meski cuma sebentar. Tadi di facebook disarankan untuk re-connect with her. Aku buka page-nya dan nemu link ini. Cuma ingin sekedar membagi kenangan aja.
ReplyDeleteAku inget Nikki emang suka sama musik2 kaya gini ya. Dulu dia ngenalin aku ke Tahiti 80.
Sampe sekarang kalo denger Tahiti 80 langsung inget Nikki.
Ga sadar, meski kami ga terlalu dekat, ternyata aku kangen juga sama dia. Apalagi setelah baca post2 di sini, ngecek FB-nya. Banyak banget yang sayang sama Nikki. Indeed, she's a lovely person. Sayang, cuma sempat kenal sebentar.
Warmest regards,
Mira Louisa